Why Lymphology?
OXYGEN = POWER! The blood vessels bring oxygen and nutrients to the cells, but only if the lymphatic vessels maintain or re-establish the healthy environment, so the cells can get the oxygen and nutrients from the blood. Without oxygen, a cell suffers and can die.
The Lymphatic System has been called many things:
• The Immune System
• The White Blood Stream
• Our Purification System
• Your Other Circulatory System
• and now, ‘Our Sub Pressure System’.
Did you know that you have another set of vessels in your body other than blood vessels?
Did you know that you actually have more of these other vessels than blood vessels and more fluid in these other vessels than blood in your blood stream?
Most people don’t know about this, so don’t feel bad about it, but this is the truth! We are mostly water and most of that water is lymph. Unless we look at the body at the molecular level, then we’re mostly hot air! Ha ha! Well, that’s the truth!
Plus, knowledge of the existence of the lymphatics is impotent (powerless), without knowing what activates this system. And even fewer people, less than 1%, even know the secrets of what activates the lymphatic vessels!
Health = Beauty! Have you ever wondered what really causes the “pruning” effect on your hands and feet when you take that long bath or spend much time in the pool? – Then after getting out, as the oxygen is being re-established, the cells volumize again and we watch the wrinkles dis-appear! How would you like to do that with other parts of your body, without surgery?
Every miracle has a process behind it. Let’s unveil the mysteries!
Even the miracles of faith healing have a process behind them. Faith is an intelligent force, so let’s increase your the intelligence and faith in the beautiful divine creation you are!
Both the healthy and beautiful body size and shape is actually maintained or re-established by the sub pressure cell environment – and learn how the Lymphatic System holds the KEYS. Also, there is simply not enough connective tissue in the body to hold the body together. So learn what really is responsible for holding the body in the healthy size and shape that we all want to be in. Learn what really causes loss of energy, wrinkles, obesity, and aging in general as well as what we can do in order to prevent, remove, and eliminate these conditions.
Healthy cells mean a healthy body. So when you learn what actually generates the POWER for cells to function and makes life possible. Then all we have to do is answer two simple questions: What shuts the power off? And how can we turn the power back on again?
The answers to these questions give us the cause of all the diseases and the secrets to their healing processes. Cellular physiology is the basis of all physiology (functionality). And Lymphology is a master key to physiology.
How can you or any scientist complete a puzzle, when key pieces are missing?
Lymphology is like having a GPS for ALL science relating to life and death and has helped us integrate new science faster and easier.
Learn the ‘hidden treasures’ of knowledge – the ‘Secret’ Keys of Health, Beauty, and Peace – why they really do go hand in hand and what principles you can apply by yourself at home to stop the aging and disease processes.
Find out what stress factors or broken laws speed up the disease process – and find the pure laws and principles of prevention. Discover how our biggest bummers can become our biggest woo-hoo’s!
Are you ready to learn why and how it’s possible to create a perfect living environment for your body cells? So perfect that it’s impossible to have any pain or disease in your body? This is medically and scientifically documented! Ready to learn what type of techniques can be applied to POWER HEAL yourself at virtually no cost once you know how? Are you ready to learn more about the life and death process of the cells and your immune system than spending 100’s of thousands of dollars and 10 years of medical or chiropractic school?
Learn the BIG Secret between believing and doing or being. – All of these techniques and many more (countless options) are FREE for you and your family to apply for the rest of your lives, after you learn how.
The truth is, the human body is mostly water and most of that is lymph, and since most doctors don’t know about it, they know mostly nothing about the body! Without Lymphology the healing arts will still always be incomplete, because this science reveals what a healing art must do in order to heal. With the help of this special program, we can unite and heal the healing arts.
This science greatly increases the results of any other healing art or modality as it empowers and encompasses all of them. Because this program lays the scientific foundation of all the healing arts and all personal development programs, we understand more about why a method works than those who apply the method without this science. Higher Knowledge = Higher Power = Higher Responsibility.
Once you learn the principles and techniques, which we demonstrate step by step, you can implement them for free for the rest of your life!
We firmly believe this is the most powerful product of health education, research and training available today, and it is only available exclusively in this program – nowhere else!
This program contains Keys, which make it possible for people to truly be One in heart and One in mind. We simply don’t know a greater way to facilitate Oneness and Unity for all the healing arts and all personal development programs.
It takes the right formulation to bring such powerful ancient talents together and it’s interesting that we have the scientific formulas for life and death – the scientific foundation of all the healing arts and all personal development; bridging the gaps between eastern and western – for everything we see and more importantly everything we don’t see – the ‘hidden treasures of knowledge’.
Is it time for the healing arts to heal themselves? Our lives are changed one person at a time – and it’s up to you to decide if you’re ready.
The top minds through history did not focus on how to not lose, but how to win!
Your focus must not be merely on how to not be sick, but how to be super healthy!
Thus even our definition of health is not to not be sick, but to be super healthy!
Some quotes from Albert Einstein:
• “Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.”
• “If the world is a dangerous place to live, it is not because of the people who are evil, but because of the good people who don’t do anything about it.”
• “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
• “To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”
Golden Keys of Healing
Plus learn the most powerful healing techniques we have ever seen – most of them are available on audio and videos, some of them are only experienced and learned by attending the live hands on training events.