Zero Disease

Beat Coronavirus & Thrive with NO Vaccines NOW!

Please share! The secret hidden science of what your Immune System really is and how it really works, and why vaccines are NOT necessary. The fact that the vast majority have recovered from COVID-19, without a vaccine even created yet, proves validity what the Osteopathic Hippocratic Oath says, “keeping in mind always nature’s laws and the body’s inherent capacity for recovery.”

Cause and Prevention of Terminal Hypoalbuminemia & Inflammation associated with ALL COVID19 Deaths.

Your body can produce it’s own Stem Cells, Lymphocytes and antibodies, without taking drugs, needles, or vaccinations, just as we’ve been able to do for thousands of years. We can enhance our innate healing potential, with fast, safe and effective methods.

ALL COVID-19 deaths are associated with terminal inflammation, (hypoalbiminenia – low albumin in the blood – aka shock).  You can prevent and eliminate the inflammation!

NRF2 activation inhibits TMPRSS2 production, reduces the cytokine storm and inflammation.

Learn why SOD production is also the most powerful oxygen therapy you can have, which is another reason for NRF2 and stem cell activation.

How can Nrf2 Activation shift Big Pharma?

Learn what cell environment is impossible to have any inflammation, how to create that perfect cell environment, and how that translates to zero hypoalbuminemia, associated with ALL COVID-19 deaths.

Activate your lymphatic, immune, endocrine, and regeneration systems, instantly!

Learn the secret hidden science of Lymphology, and it’s secret science behind all healing arts – what they have all held in common.

Start to heal yourself with simple and easy techniques that are FREE to actually apply, and are extremely effective at activating your immune system when you do. This approach is NOT represented at all by mainstream media and that’s why most people need to watch this video to even discover what other options they have to prevent, remove and eliminate pain, loss of energy and disease, or they may be at increased risk of potentially being destroyed by the same.

Unmasking MaskHypnosis!

Our focus is a much more integrated approach than the mainstream arguments, to simply wear or not wear a mask, or to simply get a vaccine or not get a vaccine. Our focus in on areas of science that we feel provide a much more aggressive approach in helping people become super healthy, and include the prevention of major markers of danger in a way that it’s just not possible for any mask wearing, anti-social distancing, or vaccine can possibly do.

Nrf2 activation is the closest thing we’ve ever seen for a “magic bullet” pill!  We recommend the best NRF2 activation pills on the planet. Contact us for details!  NO mask wearing or distancing can activate NRF2 for you, but they might actually inhibit NRF2.  It has been known that stress is one of the main causes of oxidative stress, which shuts NRF2 off.

Get the best Nrf2 activation now!

Practice makes perfect

We know about your hectic schedule. We also know the only way you truly understand a subject is by practicing it in a real environment.  This is why we’ve set a playground area that’s full of hours of exercises, questions and challenges. 

Global Education Trends

CD’s and DVD’s have quickly been replaced by online membership areas, where you can access the most up-to-date educational material.  In addition to our online classroom, we offer an option to take part in a live classroom.